Pop the Cap Podcast Cover Art

Pop the Cap Podcast Cover Art

By the time this podcast had rolled out several students had created several podcasts as well as the artwork for their show. When the creators of PTC rolled up to me with their idea the only thing they were certain about was the content of the show.

Pop the Cap consisted of two students of mine interviewing other students all whilst drinking strange flavored sodas that they’d gather from the farthest reaches of the planet. Flavors like pickle, grass, dirt, bacon, ranch, and some delish Jones Soda flavors.

Sometimes they’d ask serious questions and sometimes they’d be ridiculous. You never new what was going to happen on the show because they had lots of soda to drink each episode and demanded that everyone finish the sodas.

PTC became the most popular podcast. My pic that I created lasted for a couple of episodes until the students behind PTC decided to just use the bottle of soda I made and throw it into their idea for some cover work. Which I was cool with. Mostly.

*created in Adobe Illustrator