A little diddy bout LEMON. Check out the BLOG for more info.
Hey, My name's Matthew Stanley.
I'm a freelance videographer, graphic designer, audio guy, sometime web designer, and teacher. I have a passion for telling stories through moving pictures, still pictures, audible and written, or rather, typed words.
Hey ya’ll. Thanks for visiting my site and checkin out what I’ve been doing. My name’s Matthew Stanley and I live in Joplin, Missouri. Have for most of my life sprinkled with some stents in St. Louis, Austin, Texas, and La-La Land. I love watching movies and TV shows but even more than watching them I LOVE making them. I LOVE being a part of the process. It’s in my blood, my soul. It’s an extreme passion to create a story and tell it mostly visually and sometimes audibly and through the written, or rather typed, word.
For a majority of my life I’ve worked through various television stations, co-owned a video production company, a couple of advertising agencies, had a small stint out in Hollywood, and then for the past two years I discovered a love of teaching my passion to others by becoming a teacher. And that’s the short of it. The long of it I’ll save for podcasts and blogs
So with all that being said, or rather written, we wind up at LEMON. A place where I can share my work, the work of some of my students, and the crazy ideas I have floatin around in my noggin. Through LEMON I hope to create a place to show ideas, share ideas, inspire, motivate, teach, and create a community for like-minded individuals. So if you have anything to share or talk holler at me, or rather email me, and we’ll see what we can do. Thanks for visiting. Peace.