Choney Podcast Cover Art

Choney Podcast Cover Art

After a few episodes of “A Flock of Eagles” had come out the students in my audio classes suddenly wanted to try their hand at podcasting. I found myself having to create graphics for several podcasts whether they came to me with a complete idea of what they wanted to do or I would sit with a few of them and bounce ideas around to come up with one. Most of them had no knowledge of working with a graphics platform so I always jumped at the chance to dive in and create something, and hopefully my creations would pass.

The second podcast series created under the JHS Eagle Radio was “The Choney Podcast”. This one blossomed from two too cool students of mine. They came up with the whole design and asked me if I could put it together for them.

I felt like what they were asking for was right up my alley because I like a little cheese. Who doesn’t right? So we set them up in the studio, took some Step Brothers-esque photos and then slapped them over a plaid background.

*created in Adobe Photoshop