Writing Ellie

A Writing Ellie

The second apple of the apple of my eye.  Elizabeth Kay.  I snapped a shot of her drawing some doodles with my Nikon when I first got it earlier this year.  I was actually gonna use this pic on the website for something else but scratched that something else when I finalized the design of the site. I felt I had to toss a pic in of her because I used one of her older sister.  She rolls with many a nickname, let’s see, there’s Elllie, Ellie Kay, Turbo, Elbow, Elbow Macaroni, Elbow Macaroni & Cheese, Elbow Macaroni & Cheez-its, Sweet E, Ellie Belly. You can tell she's hard at work cause of the protruding tongue.

*shot on Nikon D7500, edited in Adobe Lightroom Classic