When I was in the process of gathering new gear earlier this year one of the first, if not THE first, piece of gear I knew I would get is a clapperboard. One reason is because they’re just flippin cool. I mean what can make you feel more like you’re working on a legit movie than messin with a clapperboard. Which was the other reason I bought it because the first one I purchased was about six years ago I think. And I grabbed it because I had always wanted one but one thing I quickly learned was that it all of sudden made everything seem legit. Like you pull this sucker out and everyone’s attitude changes. They’re all like “whoa this is serious”. It’s been like the best 30 bucks I’ve spent, which by now would be ninety bucks cause I think I’ve bought three. Plus now I use it to not only up the seriousness of the shoot but to also synch audio. But I even used one when I didn’t need to use it to synch audio just cause of the cool factor.
*shot on Nikon D7500, edited in Adobe Lightroom Classic