We Dig Games Cover Art

We Dig Games Cover Art

This idea came from my desire for everyone in my classes to feel like they’re a part of the class, which is probably why I end up giving most of my students nicknames. I know what it’s like to sit in class and feel like no one, especially the teacher, knows you exist or cares. I hate that feeling because for me I’d just check out, sometimes literally.

With WDG I had a student that sat by himself and didn’t talk to anyone. I tried to figure out several ways to get him involved, I helped him with his song creation assignments but he just wasn’t connecting. So one day I sat with him and asked him what he was interested in. He gave the typical response, nothing. So then I gave him my typical response, do you game? By the way I’d say 99% of high school students game so I knew the answer. I said great, we’re going to do a podcast on gaming. He said okay.

On our way out to the Podcast Booth I snagged another student and said "Hey you're joining us for a podcast". He said "Okay." We recorded the first episode then went to work on the cover art. We didn't even have a name for the show. We decided on "We Dig Games" right before I hit the record button. After the show we went back into the classroom and started working on the cover art. Two days later we had it.

I was actually shocked that the students knew of Super Mario and liked the idea. It's all retro and cool for them. I think it comes from the parents as well. The creation of this show went totally backwards. I usually don't have students start recording a show until the come up with a name and a logo and then write up some notes or a script to help them in the show. We had none of those and it was a blast to make.

*created in Adobe Illustrator