Pahlow's Socks Cover Art
When my second year of school started I had several students come to me that wanted to do a podcast. Most of them had already come up with the idea for their show as well as the artwork. I had several students that still just wanted to concentrate on creating music too but I still had a small number of students that had no idea what they wanted to do so with those students I would sit down with them and discuss what their interests were and give them options of avenues that could be explored. Most of those students would decide on trying their hand at podcasting, or I would force their hand at trying a podcast, but mostly they would want to take that step.
One of those students that decided he wanted to try a podcast decided he wanted to do one on anime. The name came from another student in the class and it came because the student hosting the podcast wore funky socks. Not smelly funky socks but socks with funky designs and pictures. One pair he wore had pictures of a friend’s face on the foot attire. Once the name was decided we, and when I say we I mean the class, decided that the cover art had to have a sock in it. We searched online and saw a sock with a fist coming out of it. We thought, Eureka! That’s it. We’ll change the fist to a hand holding a microphone. And thus the artwork for Pahlow’s Socks was born. And thus one of our more popular podcasts was born.
*created in Adobe Illustrator