Superb Logo

Superb Logo

Superb is a logo I came up with for an Uber-type company for a story I thought of last year called Driver.  I had gone out with some family members to a local joint called Infusion, spelled INFUXN, it’s a vodka bar in Joplin.  The drinks and food are spectacular.  If you haven’t been stop reading this and go.  If you have been, keep reading this and then go.  Click here to check em out. Anyway we were sitting at table and everyone started talking about Uber and their favorite drivers in town and an idea for a movie about an Uber driver started forming in my head.

A lot of times before I sit down to write a script,  it usually happens after I come up with a couple of scenes and am trying to figure out how to tie them together, I start doing artwork for the idea, maybe some movie posters or one-sheets, sometimes some graphics for props, like a soda or beer company logo, maybe a cartoon character, book cover, something that helps develop the world that much more, and for Driver I thought, maybe there’s no way to work with Uber on this, maybe I have to come up with a fake company, so I came up with Superb.  Which wasn’t really that difficult to come up with because uber means “over” and “beyond”.  Somehow that made me think of Superman, or ubermensch, and no I’m not a fan of Nietzche.  So anyway I thought at first just rolling with Super but I didn’t think it had the necessary punch, then I thought of superb, thought I could work with it and decided the S would be the logo, tack a couple of arrows on the S, like a road sign, enclose it between two yellow lines like you see on a street and have the background be a dark gray or black.  Then I whipped the logo out. 

I love doing things this way because it helps pull me into the world I’m going to write about.  It actually makes writing easier for me, and more enjoyable.

*created in Adobe Illustrator